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In every episode, my mission is to create space for humans to learn to love and accept themselves fully, unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

Through cup-filling, honest chats with beautiful souls, reflecting on personal stories, and celebrating the dance that is life, we will expand together.

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A community where every individual is cherished, understood, and connected on their path to wholeness.

vibrantly alive



vibrantly alive ☼ expansive ☼ connected ☼

Recent episodes

What Is Of God Vs. What Is Not - Having Discernment On Your Journey

Getting deep into spiritual Truth, exploring what is genuinely of God and what is not. I’ll share a little bit about my personal journey with spirituality, the teachings of the Bible, and the importance of discernment especially with so much deception prevalent in our society & world. We specifically go through Galatians 5:19-22, highlighting the acts of the flesh versus the fruits of the Spirit. This conversation truly aims to shed light on how certain behaviors and practices, including those associated with New Age, idolatry, and witchcraft, can pull us away from having a close relationship with God.

Following God’s Will & Living Through A Lens Of Love w/ Kevin Crenshaw

I’m so honored to share a conversation I had with Kevin Crenshaw, known as ‘The Heart Guy’ on Instagram. I was genuinely so excited to get to talk to him about his faith, as I’ve been following along with his journey for quite some time and personally resonate with his message and story so much. Kevin shares his transition from growing up in the church, then dabbling in the New Age spirituality / self-healing arena, to embracing a relationship with Jesus again. We discuss Kevin's life-changing experiences, including a near-death experience after a plant medicine ceremony, and how his recent baptism has reshaped his perspective on life and spirituality. We’ll dive into the concept of spiritual warfare, the role of discernment, and the difference between following one's will versus God's will. We’ll also address the judgment and shame often associated with religion and emphasize the importance of developing a personal relationship with Jesus instead.

Why I Believe I Was Truly Deceived On My Spirituality Journey

My heart led me to an important conversation of why I feel I was truly deceived on my spirituality path to peace. I’m opening up about my exploration of New Age practices (basically a big umbrella term for all the other spiritual things like tarot cards, Reiki, manifestation, crystals, etc) to finding solace in my relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Although this isn’t an easy conversation, I felt it was the most loving act that I could actually partake in right now by being totally honest in what I’ve found to be the way, the truth, and the life — Jesus. Through my story, I hope to convey the importance of discerning what truly aligns with God's will, and also knowing that you are so loved no matter where you’re at in your own spirituality journey.

Offering genuine dialogues about love, healing, and faith/spirituality.