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Explore. Expand. Elevate.

Your journey to embodying a heart-centered life.

Guidance to harnessing your inner wisdom and understanding your own energy, while feeling supported on the path of growth & exploration.

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- Rooted -

1:1 Life Coaching on Life, Relationships, Purpose & Deep Self Reverence - through a 90-Day Container

—— For the heart-centered, deep feeling, sensitive human.

This includes:

Somatic Embodiment & Movement

To connect with the physical body and feel grounded, safe, and balanced.

Emotional & Nervous System Regulation

Through breath, observation, & release.

Mindset & Belief Work

To gain awareness around current patterns, limiting beliefs & attachments.

Habit Change with Accountability 

Guided questions, dream-uncovering, & plans to expand into the next best version of you.

Exercises for Reflection & Growth

Including journaling prompts, embodiment practices, time management, meditations, and more.

Integration Into Your Daily Life for Transformation 

Based on the foundation of:

Faith > Fear.

Ready to grow your roots?

Schedule a connection call to see how I can best support your transformation.

Faith & spirituality podcast

This podcast is a space for heart-centered connection, deepening in faith, & understanding the Truth through a loving lens.

  • Elena has an innate ability to make you fully seen, heard, and most importantly safe. She is able to hold space for you to work through what you need so you can fully show up for yourself. Elena's heart and soul is present in everything she does.

    -Zach D

  • Elena guided and supported me through my self-love journey post divorce. She is a wonderful life coach!!! Look no further. Elena is EXTREMELY supportive, empathic, genuine, passionate, and personable!

    -Allyson O

  • If you are someone who is struggling to find balance, enjoy life to the fullest, or really love & accept yourself -- I highly recommend reaching out to Elena and giving her the opportunity to help change your life! I'm so glad I did!

    -Taylor M